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The CTEU EPIdemiology COnsultation and bioREpository Program (EPICORE)
The CTEU EPIdemiology COnsultation and bioREpository Program (EPICORE) supports DOM clinical and translational investigators in epidemiological study design, data analysis, and biobanking services. Interested DOM investigators can request a complementary initial consultation to discuss their project and service needs. Depending on the project, investigator career stage, and other factors, additional support may be provided when warranted on a complementary or subsidized basis. Epidemiological services include the development of protocols, data analysis, and preparation of IRB materials and a full spectrum of analytics support, including training in statistical methods to analysis of datasets. The biorepository service includes assistance in the development of sample collection protocols and a comprehensive service for sample processing, storage, and tracking in the CTEU biobanking laboratory space. CTEU EPICORE is led by Drs. Andrew Chan, David A. Drew, and Konrad Stopsack of the Clinical and Translational Epidemiology Unit (CTEU) and includes a support staff of project managers, research coordinators, laboratory technicians, and data analysts.
Let’s Work Together
Get in touch so we can start working together.
Location of EPICORE laboratory space:
8th Floor Jackson building, MGH main campus
Request a consultation:
To request a complementary initial consultation, please complete the intake form:
Contact information:
For additional information or specific questions, please contact Jess McGoldrick at